
Enter your name
Please select your gender and enter your first and last names.

Enter your address
Please provide your house/apartment number, street and postcode.

Enter your phone number
We may need to periodically contact you.

Choose your birth date
You must be aged 16+ to register but you can add minors to you account later.
We'll keep this strictly private.

Please leave this blank if you are a human


By registering an account on this website you are agreeing to the terms and conditions stated here. When creating an account you will be registering yourself and family members to allow you to manage all of their activites from a single account and single login. Some tennis sessions (such as the weekly 'Tennis For Free' session) require you to book onto each session you and your family members attend. Please note that all of the personal details you enter for your account registration are completely confidential and only Sutton Coldfield Tennis Club and the Tennis For Free Charity have access to these. These details are held in a secure database and some details (such as passwords) are encryped and not available for anyone to see. Date of births are also confidential and are only used to gather data on age ranges of he people who are playing tennis on our organised sessions. None of your personal details and information entered on your account are shared with any 3rd party organisations. From time to time, we may send you information about tennis services at the park or Sutton Coldfield Tennis Club. You are free to unsubscribe from such emails by unchecking the subscribe to newsletter button on your profile page. For more details about how we use your personal data and our privacy policy, please check the privacy policy link at the footer of every page on the website.

'; $("#fullform").hide(); } else { result = msg; } $('#response').html(result); $("#process").removeAttr('disabled'); } }); } else { result = '
Nothing to process'; $('#response').html(result); $("#process").removeAttr('disabled'); } } else { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "ajax/user.php", data: str, success: function (msg) { if (jQuery.trim(msg) == 'OK') { result = '
You are now an account holder on each of the sites you chose.
Each account is separate but your profile information will be reflected accurately across all sites.'; result += '
'; $("#fullform").hide(); } else if (msg.indexOf('REDIRECT::') == 0) { window.location = msg.split('::')[1]; $("#fullform").hide(); } else { result = msg; } $('#response').html(result); $("#process").removeAttr('disabled'); //$('#user_form').foggy(false); $('.spinner').hide(); } }); } } }); } else { alert('Please accept Terms of Service and Privacy Policy'); } $(document).scrollTop($("#response").offset().top); return false; }); }); $('#dob').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, yearRange: '1900:' + ((new Date).getFullYear() - 16), defaultDate: '-16y' }); if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) { $("#addressinfo").hide(); $("#addressholder").hide(); $("#postholder").hide(); $("#phoneinof").hide(); $("#phoneholder").hide(); $("#isMobile").val(1); } // ]]>